random acts of kindness of the day

random acts of kindness of the day
here are some pictures that summerized the goodness I saw today

Monday, October 25, 2010

random acts of kindness for the week

Here are some random acts of kindness i have found throughout the weekend and last week :)
12. One of my friends gave me a ride for extended lunch last week :)
13. I saw two of my friends buy my other two friends lunch because they forgot their money
14. I saw a girl hold the door open for a big group of people coming in that she didn't even know
15. A girl in one of my classes said hi to me when i saw her at a restaurant over the weekend, even though i never talk to her.
16. My mom bought me new shoes because i had lost mine, and i didn't even ask her to
17. One of my friends offered me money because i had forgotten mine in the car.
18. A friend noticed i was cold and gave me his jacket
19. I sent a message to an old friend telling them i was sorry for all that happened between us and that i hoped we could still be friends again someday.
20. My friends mom picked up two of our friends after they had missed the bus and my friend was already at school.
21. My mom helped me with my homework even though she was really tired.
22. My dad left me a sweet note in the morning before he left for a business trip telling me how much he loved me and was going to miss me.
23. My aunt is going through a tough time and my mom offered to take some of her stuff when she is moving and store it in our house until she found a place for it.
24. My mom gave money to a boy who was trying to buy a soda but didn't have enough money.
and the BIG 25. I saw a teacher make sure a girl was okay after she had tripped and fell down the stairs at school today. so sweet.

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