random acts of kindness of the day

random acts of kindness of the day
here are some pictures that summerized the goodness I saw today

Thursday, October 21, 2010

random acts of kindness of the day

Hey everyone, sorry i have been MIA for a while, i have been looking out for random acts of kindness everyday though. Here are some that i have come across :)
 1. My sister said she loved my simple texted that I send her, and that they make her day better.
 2. My mom told a lady the other day that her gas tank to her car was still open.
 3. Mr. Banno (my teacher) told us of a story about how a man needed 10 cents to buy some cigarettes and he gave him the 10 cents.
 4. My math teacher allowed me to take a math quiz 2 weeks later, even though you are only allowed 1 week to make up work.
 5. My teacher stayed after for an hour to help me review for her test the next day.
 6. We found out today that a student died today and i saw a lot of people giving condolences to one another.
 7. Holding doors open for one another
 8. I saw a group of kids wearing purple in remembrance for the boy who committed suicide for being gay.
 9. I saw someone give another student a hug today because they were sad.
10. The nicest one- my parents and sister surprised me by taking me and my best friend to Wicked for my birthday...and they are taking me to new york as well for a birthday weekend :)

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