random acts of kindness of the day

random acts of kindness of the day
here are some pictures that summerized the goodness I saw today

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Think Big, Start Small, Act Now"-Thomas Friedman

When reviewing the random acts of kindness the second time around, i thought that people were more willing to help others. I think that there was a sense of "Pay it forward" in everyone. Noticing others helping others i think gives people a feeling of want and sometime need to help others as well and spread the good vibes as i like to call them.

People are always thankful for someone else taking the time to help them. I think however at times people take it for granted. An example of this is opening doors. I think because it is such a simple act that people tend to be not a genuine when thanking someone for holding the door open for them and do not think of how that person is genuinly trying to help them out.

The random act of kindness that affected me the most was the one that was given to me by my mom, dad, sister, and best friend Caitlin. They all surprised me by giving me and my friend Caitlin 2 tickets to see Wicked on Broadway in the third row for my birthday. My parents and sister also surprised me with telling me that they are bringing me to New York for the weekend for my birthday!!! I thought it was really nice that they are willing to go all out for my birthday this year. Yes i am turning 18 which i guess is a big deal, but they did not have to go through all the trouble of throwing me this huge birthday month celebration. For this though i am forever grateful for my parents, my sister, and my best friend Caitlin for all that they do for me. :)

I still believe that love is all around us, as the movie Love Actually quotes. Whether it is someone throwing you a huge celebration for your birthday, or someone simply opening the door for someone, there is love being given, received, and shown throughout our lives. We just have to think big, make the little things count, and help out those in need.

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