random acts of kindness of the day

random acts of kindness of the day
here are some pictures that summerized the goodness I saw today

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody else"

I thought that people were very caring when doing random acts of kindness and were doing these (RAKS) so to speak because they genuinely wanted to, not because they felt they had to. I personally both observed and dealt out many random acts of kindness over the past couple of weeks.

Many people's reactions to these sudden random acts of kindness were thankful and genuine. I personally feel that after they were given a random act of kindness, they went on to do some as well.

Observing such random acts of kindness made me feel very happy in the fact that so many people are going out of there way in the world to help others just because.

The random act of kindness that had the biggest impact on me was when my mom helped the homeless man in the mall. I thought it was the sweetest thing anyone could have done. So many people watched this poor man who was injured and homeless ask for a $5 meal and get denied. For someone to then go up, buy the man whatever he wanted, and give him the change left over so that he could buy a meal later is remarkable. It takes a really great person to do something as nice as that.
That's my mom for you. :)

I do believe that the quote from the movie love actually "Love actually is all around us" is true. I believe that love is always around us, always have and always will. Some people define love as a passion towards something or someone. Well, we have love for a lot of things, such as dancing, hanging out with my family, or even having a love for each individual in my family (mom, dad, sister, Nana, papa...). So inevitably love is always around us in big forms and small forms. I think we just have to open up our eyes and our hearts in order to experience it.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

some more random acts of kindness and love from the weekend

8. My sister sent me an email with a bunch of cute songs she found, to brighten my day because I had been having a pretty bad week.

9. I offered advise to a friend in need.

10. I was at a rest stop on my way up to visit my sister and an old lady tapped me on the shoulder and said “I found this penny on the ground and I thought you could use some good luck.” Was the cutest thing someone could have done for a complete stranger. I love old people.

11. My mom saw a homeless man in the mall the other day trying to get food in the food court, but was denied service because he didn’t have the $5. She went up to the fast food place, bought the man lunch, and then gave the man change for later to buy something else to eat. Was by far the best random act of kindness ever.

some random acts of kindness from

Hey everyone, sorry I have been MIA for the weekend, it was parent weekend at my sisters college, but while I was away I have viewed and done many Random Acts Of Kindness, whether it was on the 6 hour car ride up, or the 3 days I spent with my sister in her dorm, I have seem a remarkable amount of Love going around. So here is a whole lot of love.

1. My sister told me she missed me. We haven’t seen each other for about 4 weeks and this is the longest we have gone without seeing each other (the ichats don’t really count). Going through my senior year of high school is hard to do without her around and be able to share this scary exciting experience with her there.

2. Gave a friend sympathy. My friend is getting really nervous about college, as am I, but her parents want her to go to a far away school, which she fell in love with but is having trouble coping with the distance. I told her no matter where we go to college we will be far from each other, but no matter where we go I will always be there in her heart.

3. My dad edited my English paper on the ride home.

4. Got advise. My sister gave me advise the other day about life and college and how she knows I will be okay and not to worry so much and just let it happen.

5. I shared a smile with a complete stranger.

6. I talked with my sister for 2 hours just catching up with each other and what is happening in our lives since we have been away.

7. My friend called me to check on me and see how my weekend was going just because.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

some words of wisdom of the day :)

More Random acts of love and kindness

I had/ saw so many random acts of kindness today, I decided to make two posts to brighten peoples days by seeing the good in the world. So here we go...
1. I saw one of my friends looked really sad today, so I asked if she was okay and I talked for an hour about what was bothering her, to make her feel better and it did.
2. I helped my mom out with house work.
3. I complemented a girl on her cute outfit, even though I didn't know her
4. My mom helped me with all of my college stuff (researching schools, my essay, and narrowing down my list). I don''t know what I would do without all of her help.
5. Got praised for work today :) I did an photograph for a visual for English and my teacher told me it was really beautiful :) Made all that hard work I spent on it even more worth it.

a new day of kindness

Today I observed even more random acts of kindness, maybe it is because it is Friday tomorrow, but irregardless people were being extra kind today. Here is what I observed :)
1. I decided to just send a text message to my sister because I missed her saying I love and miss you.
2. My friend noticed that a boy had dropped a bunch of their books, and helped him pick all of them up.
3. One of my teachers spent the entire class period catching me up on what I had missed when they were supposed to be grading papers.
4. I smiled at someone who I didn't know, just because.
5. and finally I wished an old friend who I don't talk to anymore happy birthday.

Spread the Love and the Random acts of kindness over the weekend everyone :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

random acts of kindness of the day

Here are some random acts of kindness that I observed today.
1.I got a hug from my friend Jeff...My friend saw that I was not having a good day so he decided to come over and give me a hug. I swear it made my day 10x better
2. I saw a girl hold the door for a group of people. I saw a girl hold the door for a huge group of people, not worrying about the fact that she will have to now run to get to her next class.
3. A student offered help in math. I saw a student today ask someone if they needed help with math because they saw them struggling with a problem.
and finally the best one of the day...
4. my dad told my mom she looked beautiful today...it was by far the cutest thing. :)

random acts of kindness

In my love class we are doing/observing random acts of kindness. Whether it be holding the door open, or a simple smile, people are doing random acts of kindness or RAKS as we call them everyday. Sometime you notice them and other times you don't, but the import thing is is that they are happening...and I am going to share those with you :)