random acts of kindness of the day

random acts of kindness of the day
here are some pictures that summerized the goodness I saw today

Sunday, September 26, 2010

some more random acts of kindness and love from the weekend

8. My sister sent me an email with a bunch of cute songs she found, to brighten my day because I had been having a pretty bad week.

9. I offered advise to a friend in need.

10. I was at a rest stop on my way up to visit my sister and an old lady tapped me on the shoulder and said “I found this penny on the ground and I thought you could use some good luck.” Was the cutest thing someone could have done for a complete stranger. I love old people.

11. My mom saw a homeless man in the mall the other day trying to get food in the food court, but was denied service because he didn’t have the $5. She went up to the fast food place, bought the man lunch, and then gave the man change for later to buy something else to eat. Was by far the best random act of kindness ever.

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