random acts of kindness of the day

random acts of kindness of the day
here are some pictures that summerized the goodness I saw today

Thursday, September 23, 2010

a new day of kindness

Today I observed even more random acts of kindness, maybe it is because it is Friday tomorrow, but irregardless people were being extra kind today. Here is what I observed :)
1. I decided to just send a text message to my sister because I missed her saying I love and miss you.
2. My friend noticed that a boy had dropped a bunch of their books, and helped him pick all of them up.
3. One of my teachers spent the entire class period catching me up on what I had missed when they were supposed to be grading papers.
4. I smiled at someone who I didn't know, just because.
5. and finally I wished an old friend who I don't talk to anymore happy birthday.

Spread the Love and the Random acts of kindness over the weekend everyone :)

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