random acts of kindness of the day

random acts of kindness of the day
here are some pictures that summerized the goodness I saw today

Thursday, September 23, 2010

More Random acts of love and kindness

I had/ saw so many random acts of kindness today, I decided to make two posts to brighten peoples days by seeing the good in the world. So here we go...
1. I saw one of my friends looked really sad today, so I asked if she was okay and I talked for an hour about what was bothering her, to make her feel better and it did.
2. I helped my mom out with house work.
3. I complemented a girl on her cute outfit, even though I didn't know her
4. My mom helped me with all of my college stuff (researching schools, my essay, and narrowing down my list). I don''t know what I would do without all of her help.
5. Got praised for work today :) I did an photograph for a visual for English and my teacher told me it was really beautiful :) Made all that hard work I spent on it even more worth it.

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